Mt. Aetna Volunteer Fire Department
Come golfing with us!
Play in the 3rd Annual Mt. Aetna VFD Golf Classic
Monday, April 21 at Beaver Creek Country Club
Sign up by clicking this button
Mt. Aetna Volunteer Fire Department will be hosting its third annual Golf Classic at Beaver Creek Country Club on Monday, April 21, 2025. We’re reaching out for tournament sponsors and participants. We hope you’ll consider doing both!
MAVFD Golf Classic Hole Sponsorships and Dining Room Sponsorships are now available and include signage, website links, networking opportunities, and more. As a sponsor you’ll be supporting the vital operations of our volunteer fire department.
Why not play, too? Sign up for the tournament and you also get a great day of golf on the Beaver Creek course plus dinner in the clubhouse dining room.
We look forward to your support! For more information about the Mt. Aetna Volunteer Fire Department Golf Classic and sponsor benefits, please don’t hesitate to contact us at 301-573-7048.
A large portion of our operating expenses depend on generous donations from the community and fundraising events like the MAVFD Golf Classic. The monies raised by the tournament will go toward new personal protective gear for volunteers, as well as important equipment maintenance, upgrades and acquisitions. We want to thank you in advance for your support!

MAVFD - Protecting the Mt. Aetna and Beaver Creek communities for 55 years
Since 1969, Mt. Aetna Volunteer Fire Department has provided fire and rescue services to Fire District 16 in the eastern part of Washington County, MD. Mt. Aetna VFD volunteers are dedicated to keeping our community safe. Join the team! Learn more about becoming a member here. Or make a tax-deductible donation today.

News from Mt. Aetna VFD

Digital Alerts to your car
Are you ready for a challenge?
Mt. Aetna Volunteer Fire Department is excited to announce that we’re the first fire company in Washington County to add HAAS Alert's Safety Cloud® digital alerting to our fleet. This advanced service connects our emergency lighting systems to connected vehicles and popular navigation platforms, enhancing safety for our firefighters and the broader community.
Washington County drivers will now receive preemptive digital alerts via in-dash systems in multiple brands including Jeep, Dodge, Ram, and Chrysler vehicles, as well as through Waze and Apple Maps mobile applications. These alerts, activated when our vehicles' emergency lights are in use, help facilitate adherence to Maryland’s Move Over laws and can significantly reduce collision risks. We thank you for your support in maintaining road safety for all.
We encourage you to consider becoming a member of Mt. Aetna Volunteer Fire Department. Volunteering for your local fire company is not only a great way to give back to the community; it's truly the experience of a lifetime. Want to be part of the action? It’s exciting and rewarding. Physicals, training and gear are provided at no cost. We also need help in other areas. If your expertise is finance, fundraising, administrative management, or you're just handy with tools, we need you! Stop by the fire station at 10305 Crystal Falls Drive in Mt. Aetna and pick up an application or download a membership application here.

Local foundation grants support your volunteers
Mt. Aetna Volunteer Fire Department is the recipient of several generous grants from local foundations this year. Recent awards include $14,607 from the the Alfred E. and Naomi B. Sinnisen Foundation that will go toward the replacement of personal protective equipment (PPE). These specially constructed -- and expensive! -- coats, pants, helmets, hoods, gloves and boots protect our firefighters from the dangers inherent in the work they perform.
Our fire department also received funding from two local organizations to help us upgrade the fire station, making it more comfortable for our dedicated volunteers and providing an improved space for training and rest between calls for service. Sunrise Rotary of Hagerstown provided $1,437 to Mt.Aetna VFD for a new kitchen range and new washer/dryer for the station. The Nora Roberts Foundation awarded a $5,000 grant to our department to help us upgrade bathrooms and other areas in the station.
And, the Hagerstown Rotary Club awarded $1,500 to Mt. Aetna VFD for additional wildland firefighting equipment on our UTV.
The members of Mt. Aetna Volunteer Fire Department are so grateful for the generosity of these local organizations. We would not be able to provide fire-rescue services in our community without the support of individuals, businesses, and organizations like these.

What can we do for you?
Contact Mt. Aetna VFD for inquiries or more information
Non-emergency phone: 301-797-5555